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My name is Dr Haley Jones and I am an author, speaker and past-life regression practitioner. My mission is to help people to see their lives in the bigger picture of their existence, to enable them to have a more meaningful perspective, and see different choices and opportunities for a more fulfilling, satisfying and enriched life.
I consider myself very fortunate to have a solid scientific background with qualifications in science and engineering, as well as having grown up in a household where practically no topic was off-limits. I understand "both ends of the spectrum" as it were.

Growing up, the bookshelves were filled with books on near-death experiences (NDEs), astral travel, life after death, reincarnation and UFOs. I was inspired by my maternal grandmother, who was a psychic. I would sit by her side when she came to visit, eager to soak in all I could as she did a card reading for my father, or a psychometry reading for a family visitor. And a ouija board was spotted at least a few times at the kitchen table (well, it was the '70s). 
​As an adult, I have worked with a number of teachers including Dr Brian Weiss, Dr Joe Dispenza and Angela Hryniuk, and have studied the works of amazing spiritual leaders including Ram Dass, Dr Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsh and the Dalai Lama, among many others. I have experienced many different types of meditation, studied tarot, psychometry, and mediumship, and am interested in many more areas including lucid dreaming, astral travel, remote viewing and the possibility of extra terrestrials. No subject is off the table when it comes to exploring what "it" is all about.

My beliefs are underpinned by a strong scientific background. I have degrees in engineering and science, including a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering. It is this strong analytical side that has enabled me to maintain an interest in the esoteric. It enables me to appropriately question everything I read, see and hear. I don't believe things out of hand, but neither do I dismiss them. While there is currently no "scientific proof" for life beyond physical death, my own experiences, as well as my research into the experiences of others, have shown me that there is overwhelming evidence for there being so much more to the universe than the current state of our scientific endeavours allows for. There is so much more beyond the physical world that we all readily experience.
Science is important and has brought us many, many effort- and life-saving products and devices. However, given the enormous strides the world has taken in science and engineering in just the past 30 years (hello smartphones!, and the first carbon-rich exoplanet was only discovered in 2009), let alone the past 100, it is obvious that we have not yet discovered all there is to discover and have not yet found ways to reliably measure and observe all there is to observe.

For me, exploring the possibilities offered by the existence of an after-life, and the bigger picture that implies for each of our existences, is how I make sense of the world and life in general. Come and join me in this exploration.


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